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College Park Elementary School

Kara Sparks » August 23 - 27, 2021

August 23 - 27, 2021

Skills for August 23 - 27
iReady Reading and Math
Extra Practice Math Learning Games
Measure objects in inches and centimeters
Measure two different objects and find their total length and the difference in their lengths.
Reading Comprehension: There will be an extra lesson on your child's iReady reading page to complete for reading comprehension.
Reading Foundations: Make a list of words containing suffixes and prefixes (re-, un-, pre-, mis-, -ful, -ness, -less)
Spelling Words: This week: (fantastic, Atlantic, disconnect, alphabet, insistent, intellect, badminton, adjustment, activate, incomplete)
List 2: (trust, adjust, jump, brush, clasp, mask, lent, pride, shine, stay)
Language: Send a letter to Mrs. Sparks' email address. Remember we have been working on friendly letters.
(date, greeting, body, closing, signature)
PE: Go outside and have fun.
Music: Sing your favorite song.
Computer: Type your friendly letter on the computer.